Project Description
Lagerstroemia Standards
Like other crepe myrtles, the summer flowering is the real hero, however autumn colour and exfoliating bark are other worthy features.
Plant Details
Tree – Deciduous
Mature Size
Height – 3m
Canopy – 3m
Lagerstroemia indica x L. fauriei ‘Acoma’
This tough, powdery mildew resistant cultivar is of great ornamental value for its abundant white flowers and attractive bark and foliage. Excellent as a specimen for small gardens or for growing in containers.
Habit:A multi-stemmed shrub (3x3m). Low spreading, semi-pendulous branches. Grafted onto 1.2m standard trunk
Foliage:Young leaves tinged strongly with bronze. Mature dark green lustrous leaves turning dark purplish-red in autumn.
Flowers:Pure white flowers with prominent gold anthers borne in panicles to 18 cm long and 12 cm wide. Summer to early autumn. Pruning in winter will encourage the production of larger flower heads the following summer.
Bark:Bark exfoliates (after about three years) to reveal a light greyish-brown underbark.
Tolerances:Adaptable to a range of conditions, however it is best in moist, well drained, slightly acidic soils in a position receiving full sun. Moderate drought and heat tolerant. Resistant to powdery mildew. Transplants easily.

Lagerstroemia indica ‘New Orleans’
‘New Orleans’ is a low growing and weeping crepe myrtle. It produces an eye-catching display of purple flowers.
Habit: Naturally a prostrate, spreading shrub with arching, symmetric branches. Grafted onto 1.2m standard trunk
Foliage:Lustrous mid-green to bluish-green leaves. The new growth is often bronze.
Flowers:Intense purplish-pink flowers, are borne abundant panicles, from early to mid-summer into autumn.
Bark:The young stems are an attractive reddish colour.
Tolerances: Adaptable to a range of conditions, but is best in moist, well drained, slightly acidic soils in a position receiving full sun. Moderate drought and heat tolerant. Suitable for hot, sunny climates, however it can be susceptible to powdery mildew in cool, humid conditions. Transplants easily.

Lagerstroemia indica ‘Houston’
‘Houston’ is a miniature crepe myrtle, producing watermelon-red flowers with yellow anthers, in late summer.
Habit: Symmetrical. A dense low shrub with lightly pendulous branches. Grafted on 1.2m standard trunk
Foliage: Attractive dark green with bronze tinged new growth.
Flowers: Watermelon-red flowers with prominent yellow anthers are produced in panicles on the tips of the branches from late spring.
Tolerances: Adaptable to a range of conditions, but is best in moist, well drained, slightly acidic soils in a position receiving full sun. Good moderate drought and heat tolerant. Suitable for hot, sunny climates, however it can be susceptible to powdery mildew in cool, humid conditions. Transplants easily.